• Hi

    I think the following will do the trick for you

    with adBrandPostion AS (

    select AdDate, AdTime, FK_StationId, brandflag

    ,COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY BrandFlag, FK_StationID, AdDate) NumAds

    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY BrandFlag, FK_StationID, AdDate ORDER BY AdTime) AdBrandPosition

    FROM dbo.testtable


    -- Determine time from previous advert in seconds

    ,TimeToPrevAd AS (

    SELECT a.AdDate, a.AdTime, a.FK_StationId, a.brandflag, a.NumAds, a.AdBrandPosition

    ,DATEDIFF(s, b.AdTime, a.adTime) TimeToPrevAd

    FROM adBrandPostion a

    LEFT OUTER JOIN adBrandPostion b

    ON a.AdBrandPosition = b.AdBrandPosition + 1

    and a.AdDate = b.AdDate

    and a.FK_StationId = b.FK_StationId

    and a.brandflag = b.brandflag


    -- Mark the beginnings of each ad group based on time difference

    ,adBreaks AS (

    SELECT *

    ,CASE WHEN TimeToPrevAd > 120 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END PrevAdInGroup -- change the seconds in here to suit

    FROM TimeToPrevAd


    -- number the groups

    ,adGroups AS (

    SELECT *

    ,ABS((AdBrandPosition * PrevAdInGroup) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY BrandFlag, FK_StationID, AdDate, PrevAdInGroup ORDER BY AdTime)) + 1 g

    FROM adBreaks


    SELECT AdDate, AdTime, FK_StationId, brandflag

    -- Position in the group

    ,cast(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY BrandFlag, FK_StationID, AdDate, g ORDER BY AdTime) as varchar(10)) + '/'

    -- Number in the group

    + cast(COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY BrandFlag, FK_StationID, AdDate, g) as varchar(10)) + ' of '

    -- Group Number

    + cast(g as varchar(10)) desc1

    FROM adGroups

    ORDER BY fk_stationid, brandflag, addate, adtime;

    The CTE can probably be compressed up into a smaller query, but I have left it as is to show workings