• Thank you for your response 😀

    I tried Adding the Month to the Group by, and now its returning

    Meter ID Count Watthours

    203201582 155226.30078125

    203201582 155330.86328125

    203201582 152783.71484375

    203201582 153696.5625

    203201582 153230.19140625

    203201582 154420.70703125

    The data im querying looks like

    MeterID TimeStamp WattHours

    203201582 5/05/2013 12:00:00 AM57736.625

    203201582 5/05/2013 12:30:00 AM57014.62890625

    203201582 5/05/2013 1:00:00 AM56760.8828125

    203201582 5/05/2013 1:30:00 AM56346.12109375

    203201582 5/05/2013 2:00:00 AM58058.109375

    203201582 5/05/2013 2:30:00 AM57952.47265625

    I would like to return

    Meter, Count, Watthours , Month

    203201582, 1440,137497219.28343752, JUN

    So instead of counting the totaly halfhour trends and return the total count and then summing the watthours for the month, its just returning the count as i 1440 times. I need the query to return a extra colum.

    Thank you for your responses 😀