• like this:

    SELECT q.Course_Code, 6-res.[4a] as [4a],6-res.[4b] as [4b], 6-res.[4c] as [4c], 6-res.[5a] as ,res.[5b],res.[5c],res.[6a],res.[6b],res.[6c],res.[7a],res.[7b],res.[7c],res.[7d],res.[7e] as converted


    The above willnot compile as has quite few errors. You should be more accurate.

    Basically, in order to convert existing returned values as you requested, these values hould be subtrected out of 6, as:

    6 - 5 = 1

    6 - 4 = 2

    6 - 3 = 3

    6 - 2 = 4

    6 - 1 = 5

    Now, if you use the expression when retunring columns, they will need to be given aliases, therefore:

    6-res.[4a] as [4a]

    ,6-res.[4b] as [4b]



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