Problem using FOR XML in SQL Query

  • Hi to all,

    I have one format problem that i cannot get it right. I hope you can help me.

    So here it is.

    declare @test-2 table(id int identity(1,1), custname varchar(10), custcode varchar(10) )

    insert @test-2

    values ('name1','code1'),('name2','code2')


    (SELECT custname,custcode FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE) AS Item

    FROM @test-2

    FOR XML PATH('Header'),ROOT('ns1')

    The above code it will output like this.















    What i want is something like this...













    All of your answers is very much appreciated. thanks

  • Try this:-


    (SELECT custname AS CustName

    , custcode AS CustCode

    FROM @test-2 t1 FOR XML PATH('Item'), TYPE)

    FOR XML PATH('Header'),ROOT('ns1')

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  • Matthew Darwin (7/3/2013)

    Try this:-


    (SELECT custname AS CustName

    , custcode AS CustCode

    FROM @test-2 t1 FOR XML PATH('Item'), TYPE)

    FOR XML PATH('Header'),ROOT('ns1')

    Thanks Matthew Darwin! i see how it is construct.

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