SQL Agent Starting...........

  • I notice that my jobs aren't running now, when I look at Enterprise Manager -> Process Info under the column command it says "EXCUTE" (12 of them have this) but two of them has "Killed/Rollback". Stopping and starting the Agent doesn't help. I believe the two jobs which has "killed/rollback" is holding everything up. How can I get it so that the hourly and normal schedule jobs will run ? Do I need to stop and start SQL Server and not just the Agent?

  • Run sp_who2, look in the blkby column and find the process that is at the start of a block chain. Identify its SPID. Then you can run "kill <SPID>" to kill the blocking transaction to see if that allows all others to execute.

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • There are no block processes, however there are some jobs that shows the status is RUNNABLE with the commad EXECUTE AND A CPUTime & DiskIO But the DISKIO & CPUTime is not moving or hasn't for the last day or so. By the way I'm on SP4.

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