• Sean Lange (6/26/2013)

    kapil_kk (6/26/2013)

    you can do the same thing as Sean did using SUBSTRING also:

    SELECT id,

    SUBSTRING((SELECT ', ' + Term

    FROM Something s2

    WHERE s1.id = s2.id

    and s2.Type = 'Subject'

    ORDER BY s2.Term

    FOR XML PATH('')), 2, 1000) as Result

    FROM Something s1

    where Type = 'Subject'

    GROUP BY id

    The problem here is that you have to choose an arbitrary length. In your case it was 1000 which is plenty to cover the sample data. The issue can be demonstrated by changing the length to something shorter than the output you can see what happens.

    Let's change the length to 10 instead 1000.

    SELECT id,

    Substring((SELECT ', ' + Term

    FROM Something s2

    WHERE s1.id = s2.id

    AND s2.Type = 'Subject'

    ORDER BY s2.Term

    FOR XML PATH('')), 2, 10) AS Result

    FROM Something s1

    WHERE Type = 'Subject'

    GROUP BY id

    Yes, Sean changing length can arise problem...thanks for correcting that

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