• r.mitchell (6/26/2013)

    I use a recursive CTE for this usually. In this example it will give you all the days in June. Had to use this when I created a calendar application with recurring entries. Sort of like outlook and needed to match the day of week based on its recurrence schedule. Like every week, 2 weeks, month... etc.

    DECLARE @StartDate DATE = '6/1/2013';

    WITH dt(MDate) AS (

    SELECT @StartDate AS MDate


    SELECT DATEADD(dd, 1, MDate)

    FROM dt

    WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, MDate) < DATEADD(mm, 1, @StartDate)


    SELECT MDate FROM dt

    Please, avoid this and read the following article:

    Hidden RBAR: Counting with Recursive CTE's[/url]

    Luis C.
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