Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Append characters in a sentence after certain length RE: Append characters in a sentence after certain length

  • Here's a recursive CTE method as a iTVF that could work.

    I would like to come up with a none recursive method, but brain fade is setting in and I'm not seeing a way to do it currently :crying:

    One thing to note is that it will break if there is a word longer than the @maxlen specified. The character at that point will be replaced.

    CREATE FUNCTION splitAt(@str varchar(8000), @maxlen int, @splitOn varchar(1), @replaceWith varchar(1)) RETURNS TABLE AS


    WITH rcte as (

    SELECT substring(@str,0,@maxlen - charindex(@spliton,reverse(substring(@str,0,@maxlen)))) s,

    substring(@str,@maxlen - charindex(@spliton,reverse(substring(@str,0,@maxlen))) + 1,8000) r


    SELECT substring(r,0,@maxlen - charindex(@spliton,reverse(substring(r,0,@maxlen)))) s,

    substring(r,@maxlen - charindex(@spliton,reverse(substring(r,0,@maxlen))) + 1,8000) r

    FROM rcte

    WHERE len(r) > 0


    SELECT SUBSTRING(S,2,8000) splitResult

    FROM (

    SELECT @replacewith + s AS [text()]

    FROM rCte


    FOR XML PATH ('')) A (S)

    On my machine with 10000 address rows with an average length of 55 (max 121, min 21) it took around a second.