• Alan.B (6/25/2013)

    Michael Valentine Jones (6/25/2013)

    select top 1




    select top 1 b.[Date] from table1 b order by b.[Date] desc


    select top 1 c.[Date] from table2 c order by c.[Date] desc

    ) a

    order by

    a.[Date] desc

    I think he has two tables and is trying to get the max date for each row. If he was trying to get the max date for both columns (a single value as your query would return) then this would be cleaner and faster:

    SELECT MAX([date]) [Date] FROM

    (SELECT [date] FROM table1


    SELECT [date] FROM table2) AS a

    as per OP request

    Hi ,

    The colums are present in 2 separate tables with datatype Date. I want the date which would be max of both.

    Table1 (col1 Date)

    Table2 (col2 Date)

    Table1('2013-06-25') and Table2('2013-06-24')

    So the answer would be 2013-06-25

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day