• Aplogies if I didn't mean what I actually mean.

    I mean to say the content (data) of backup file will be same. If a full backup is taken on a database with any type recovery model - the content (data) in the backup file would be the same.

    And ofcourse Full backup will make certain effect on the Logfile - It won't mark log file for deletion (truncation) if a db in Full or Bulk Recovery model. It will take certain portion of Log file for sychronization.

    Only Log backup will mark the log file for deletion (truncation) after the log backup except two situations - (i) When it is being using used with conjuction of NO_TRUNCATE or COPY_ONLY. (ii) When the log backup completes while Full/ Differential backup is still running. As the Full/ Differential backup requires certain portion of log backup it wont allow log backup to truncate.