Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Error converting data type varchar to numeric in CASE statement RE: Error converting data type varchar to numeric in CASE statement

  • It works if I drop it in the case statement but I think I need it. Additional sample data below.

    I want to exclude XYZ and include ABC replacing its NULL with 1

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyData') is not null

    drop table #MyData

    create table #MyData


    SomeVal varchar(10),

    SomeVal2 varchar(10)


    insert #MyData

    select '10', 'DEF' union all

    select '125', 'HIJ' union all

    select '-4.67625', 'LMN' union all

    select NULL, 'ABC' union all

    select NULL, 'XYZ'



    case SomeVal2 when 'abc' then 1 else CONVERT(decimal(20,6), SomeVal)END

    from #MyData


    case SomeVal2 w