• Jan Van der Eecken (6/18/2013)

    May I humbly ask why you want to do this in the first place? My first name is Jan, which is both Dutch, Afrikaans and Polish (and probably exists in a few more languages), but it is an abbreviation of Johan/Johannes/Johannis/Ioannis, which could be Jean in French, Juan in Spanish, Ian in Irish/Scottish, and whatever else. The possible derivations will go down endlessly the further you go down the tree.

    Edit: Forgot Afrikaans, sorry Host Country!

    I'd echo the sentiment of "why" however Ian is the English spelling - the Scottish variant is Iain - both are legal names.

    The other problem the op will run up against is that one name may be the diminutive form of multiple full names. e.g. take a man commonly known as Al - is this a short form of Alan, Alain, Allan, Allen, Alun, Alfred, Alfredo, Albert, Alphonse, Alphonso, Alexander - or maybe his legal name actually is just Al.

    If he is planning on using this to identify when a person may already be held in the database then fine but don't autocorrect names - it will mess up and will upset users when they are called by the wrong name.