• hats off to you...

    Thanks for the query..

    I have derived the output but that was quite complex

    create table SampleTable2

    (id int identity(1,1) ,Categoryvarchar(100), Organisams varchar(100) )

    insert into SampleTable2(Category)

    select distinct Category from sampletable

    DECLARE @listStr VARCHAR(MAX) ,@Category varchar(100),@i int

    set @i =1

    while (@i <= (select MAX(id)from SampleTable2 ))


    set @Category = (select category from SampleTable2 where id = @i)

    SELECT @listStr =''

    SELECT @listStr = COALESCE(@listStr,'') +','+Organisams

    FROM SampleTable where category=@category

    update SampleTable2 set Organisams = right(@listStr,LEN(@listStr)-1)

    where Category = @Category

    set @i = @i+1
