• Your comment : Can you explain how you get the value 781?

    Very easy, I calculated wrong. I saw it for a while ago ..

    By the way, I have modified Your code as follows, (I ship the create of table and data).



    SET @dtStart = '2013-06-11 12:40' ;-- '2013-06-11 12:40:21' ;

    set @dtStop = '2013-06-12 08:55' ;-- '2013-06-12 08:59' ;





    ,DATEDIFF(minute, /*t.dtBegin*/(case when (t.dtBegin < @dtStart) then @dtStart else t.dtBegin end),

    /*t.dtEnd*/ (case when (t.dtEnd > @dtStop) then @dtStop else t.dtEnd end)) -


    AS WorkingTimeMinutes


    --Just for verification under the development ...


    , (case when (t.dtBegin < @dtStart) then @dtStart else t.dtBegin end) as dtStartValue

    , (case when (t.dtEnd > @dtStop) then @dtStop else t.dtEnd end) as dtStopValue

    FROM @tblSchema t

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @tblSchema t2 ON t2.Shift = t.Shift

    AND t2.Code <> 1

    AND t2.dtBegin

    BETWEEN /*t.dtBegin*/ (case when (t.dtBegin < @dtStart) then @dtStart else t.dtBegin end)

    AND /* t.dtEnd */ (case when (t.dtEnd > @dtStop) then @dtStop else t.dtEnd end)

    AND t2.dtEnd

    BETWEEN /*t.dtBegin*/ (case when (t.dtBegin < @dtStart) then @dtStart else t.dtBegin end)

    AND /* t.dtEnd */ (case when (t.dtEnd > @dtStop) then @dtStop else t.dtEnd end)

    WHERE t.Code = 1 and

    t.dtEnd >= @dtStart and t.dtBegin <= @dtStop

    GROUP BY t.Shift,t.dtBegin,t.dtEnd, t.Code




    Note! I have added some fields, just for debuging ...

    It's (more or less) working as my thoughts, but there is still a problem that I don't see.

    It's coming when @dtStart is in a pause period, if I for example enter time value = '2013-06-11 12:40' then the result is added with 5 minutes.

    Do I enter a value outside pausetimes then its OK


    '2013-06-11 12:40' gives WorkingTimeMinutes = 101 WRONG (should be 96)

    '2013-06-11 12:30' gives WorkingTimeMinutes = 96 OK

    '2013-06-11 12:45' gives WorkingTimeMinutes = 96 OK

    '2013-06-11 12:00' gives WorkingTimeMinutes = 126 OK

    '2013-06-11 12:50' gives WorkingTimeMinutes = 91 OK

    I see the same behavour with the @dtStop .. Outside Pausetime it working ok

    Problerly is the reason easy, but I don't see it right now.

    Any ideas where I'm is doing wrong ??