Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server Newbies Need Help with the Error 'Subquery returned more than 1 value'. RE: Need Help with the Error 'Subquery returned more than 1 value'.

  • can anyone help me? i am new to db....

    CREATE proc [dbo].[student_marks]

    @roll_no varchar(20)



    CREATE TABLE #temp


    semester INT,

    marks INT


    INSERT INTO #temp







    ( SELECT SUM ( marks )/count(noof_sub)

    FROM student_details sd

    INNER JOIN student_marks sm ON sd.roll_no = sm.roll_no

    WHERE sd.roll_no = @roll_no

    AND ri.semester = sm.sem_attended

    group by semester

    ) marks

    FROM student_details sd

    INNER JOIN student_marks sm ON sd.roll_no = sm.roll_no

    WHERE sm.roll_no=@roll_no

    group by semester

    SELECT *FROM #temp


    the problem is when i execute the query it returns "subquery returned more than 1 value' error".because of that subquery contains 3 semesters and marks.when i remove the group by function in subquery it returns the same value for 3 rows.

    but i need the result like semester marks

    1 82

    2 75

    3 60

    what should i do to overcome this problem????thanks in advance :-):-)