• Vikash,

    I would like the expression to evaluate without quotes around zero:

    [Obj Acct] == 0? Sub : (Sub == 0? [Obj Acct] : [Obj Acct] + "." + Sub)[/

    so that it works the way my case statement works:

    , AcctNum = CASE

    When [Obj Acct] = 0 then [Sub]

    When [Sub] = 0 then [Obj Acct]

    Else [Obj Acct] + '.' + [Sub]


    With quotes the expression parses in SSIS but column values are returning with periods even when there is no value in the Sub or [Obj Acct] columns. EG. 55515. or .111. To be honest, I don't know why 0 works, because those columns don't actually have a 0 in them. They are just blank.

    However, without quotes the expression won't parse. Do you know what I can do?