Query Sum

  • Hi all, hope in your help.

    This is my table:


    | id | field1 | field2 |


    | 1 | A1 | 7 |

    | 2 | B1 | 9 |

    | 3 | C1 | 0 |

    | 4 | D1 | 3 |

    | 5 | A2 | 5 |

    | 6 | B2 | 6 |

    | 7 | C2 | 7 |

    | 8 | D2 | 8 |


    I need this output:


    | field1 | field2 |


    | A2 | 19.230769230769200 |


    | B2 | 23,076923076923100 |


    | C2 | 26,923076923076900 |


    | D2 | 30,769230769230800 |


    and tried this query

    where calculate the value of single field1 (5,6,7,8) divided by the sum of field2 equal to A1, B2, C2 and D2 (26) :

    A = 5/26 * 100 = 19

    B = 6/26 * 100 = 23

    C = 7/26 * 100 = 26

    D = 8/26 * 100 = 30



    field2/Sum(field2)*100 as field2





    AND field1 IN ('A2', 'B2', 'C2', 'D2');


    | field1 | field2 |


    | A2 | 19.230769230769234 |


    But the ouput is not what I want, can you help me?

    Thank you

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi

    You could try the following, I wouldn't expect the performance to be the best because of the partition on the RIGHT function. It may be worthwhile making the making a grouping column in your base table

    with sampleData as (

    select *

    from (values









    ) as sd(id, f1, f2)


    select f1, (cast(f2 as float) / sum(f2) over (partition by right(a.f1,1))) * 100.0 as f2

    from sampleData a

    where right(a.f1, 1) = 2

  • thanks so much

  • Here is my take on it, I see 2 ways of doing it, both equally efficient just depends on what you want to do

    declare @f2 as float;

    select @f2 = cast(SUM(field2) as float)

    from test

    where RIGHT(field1,1)='2';

    select field1, field2/@f2*100.0 as field2

    from test

    where RIGHT(field1,1)='2';

    As you can see above, I start by declaring a variable, and then proceed to define it using an aggregate function (sum), and use the same where condition as in the final select, this way I ensure that I have selected the correct fields for the aggregate function to perform the final calculation.

    select field1, CAST(field2 as float)/SUM(field2) over (partition by right(field1,1))

    * 100.0 as field2

    from test

    where RIGHT(field1,1)='2';

    Now in this example we use the over cluase to avoid having to group any columns not in aggregate functions, and therefore produce a simple one liner.

    This in turn produces the results that you are looking for in a simple fashion






    Jaime Diaz

    Lyntek, Inc[/i]

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