• Sorry for the delay. The email notification that you posted more info slipped by me and got buried in my inbox.

    I opened the .txt file you attached but it does not include any characters with French accents.

    The input file is generted in Unix platform , and the source team can provide me either UTF-8 or UTF-16 to support bilingual charcters. Not sure , what "Unicode" type in SSIS translates to in Unix and if it can be generted in the format that i am converting the file to.

    In Windows/SSIS lingo "Unicode" refers to the UCS-2 encoding which is a subset of UTF-16LE. If your Unix data provider is willing to send you the file in UTF-16 format I would take them up on that as it will likely keep you from having to convert the file manually before importing. To import a file in UTF-16 format you would set your Flat File Connection in your SSIS Package to import it as "Unicode", i.e. the code page becomes irrelevant and you would check the "Unicode" checkbox.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.