How to select max based on condition.

  • Hi Friends,

    I want to select maximum date data based on some condition i.e.

    if alloc_dt column has value for c_id, then I want to select maximum date row for that particular c_id

    and if all rows have NULL for c_id, then I want to select maximum DAYS row for that particular c_id.

    Below are sample tables and sample date, please help

    --create table c (c_id integer, p_id varchar(10))

    --create table f (c_id integer,f_id integer,e_dt date,amt integer)

    --create table bf(bf_id integer,actual_dt date,c_id integer,p_id varchar(10))

    --create table bfm(bfm_id integer, bf_id integer,f_id integer,amt integer,c_id integer,alloc_dt date)


    insert into c values(1,'A')

    insert into c values(2,'B')

    insert into c values(3,'A')

    insert into c values(4,'C')



    insert into f values(1,1,'1/1/2013',100)

    insert into f values(1,2,'2/1/2013',100)

    insert into f values(1,3,'3/1/2013',200)

    insert into f values(1,4,'4/1/2013',50)

    insert into f values(2,5,'1/10/2013',400)

    insert into f values(2,6,'2/10/2013',500)

    insert into f values(2,7,'3/10/2013',100)

    insert into f values(3,8,'5/1/2013',100)

    insert into f values(3,9,'6/1/2013',300)



    insert into bf values (1,'1/10/2013',1,'A')

    insert into bf values (2,'1/25/2013',1,'A')

    insert into bf values (3,'3/01/2013',1,'A')

    --insert into bf values (4,'3/01/2013',3,'A')

    insert into bf values (5,'01/20/2013',2,'B')



    insert into bfm values(1,1,1,25,1,'1/10/2013')

    insert into bfm values(2,2,1,25,1,'1/27/2013')

    insert into bfm values(3,3,1,50,1,'3/01/2013')

    --insert into bfm values(4,4,8,50,3,'3/01/2013')

    insert into bfm values(5,5,5,400,2,'01/20/2013')


    --select * from f

    --select * from bfm

    --select * from bf

    declare @runDate date

    set @runDate = '6/11/2013';

    select c.c_id,c.p_id,

    f.e_dt,@runDate as RunDate,f.f_id,f.amt,

    bf.actual_dt,bf.bf_id,bf.c_id as bfC_id,

    bfm.bfm_id,bfm.f_id as bfmF_id,bfm.amt,bfm.alloc_dt,

    case when bfm.amt is not null then datediff(day,bf.actual_dt,@runDate) else

    datediff(day,f.e_dt,@runDate) end as Days

    from c

    inner join f f on c.c_id = f.c_id

    left join bfm on bfm.f_id = f.F_id

    left join bf on bf.bf_id = bfm.bf_id

    where f.e_Dt <= @runDate

    order by c.c_id, days desc

    so for c_id =1 row with alloc_dt =2013-03-01 should be selected becoz that is maximum date for that c_id

    for c_id = 2, row with alloc_dt = 2013-01-20 should be selected becoz that is maximum

    for c_id = 3, row with maximum days i..e 41 should be selected because all alloc_dt rows are NULL, so I want maximum days row in this case.

    any comments/suggestions are highly appreciable.


    Surinder Singh

  • Hi

    You could try the following. The results of the MAX aggregates need to be cast to varchar so that they can be provided in the same column.

    declare @runDate date

    set @runDate = '6/11/2013';

    with originalQuery as (

    select c.c_id,c.p_id,

    f.e_dt,@runDate as RunDate,f.f_id,f.amt f_amt,

    bf.actual_dt,bf.bf_id,bf.c_id as bfC_id,

    bfm.bfm_id,bfm.f_id as bfmF_id,bfm.amt bfm_amt,bfm.alloc_dt,

    case when bfm.amt is not null then datediff(day,bf.actual_dt,@runDate) else

    datediff(day,f.e_dt,@runDate) end as Days

    from #cc

    inner join #f f on c.c_id = f.c_id

    left join #bfm bfm on bfm.f_id = f.F_id

    left join #bf bf on bf.bf_id = bfm.bf_id

    where f.e_Dt <= @runDate


    select c_id,

    coalesce(cast(max(alloc_dt) as varchar(20)), cast(max(days) as varchar(20))) as maxValue,

    case when max(alloc_dt) is null then 'Days' else 'Date' end as maxValueOf

    from originalQuery

    group by c_id

  • Thanks for quick reply!

    But I need both columns i.e. one for alloc_date and other for Days.

    so output should be like:

    c_id alloc_dt Days

    1 2013-03-01 132 (days for maximum date)

    2 2013-01-20 172 (days corresponding to maximum date for c_id 2)

    3 NULL 71 (max days because all rows are null)

    Please let me know if I am not clear.




    those results are expected for

    set @runDate = '7/11/2013'

  • Sorry I misunderstood the requirement. This should do it

    declare @runDate date

    set @runDate = '6/11/2013';

    with originalQuery as (

    select c.c_id,c.p_id,

    f.e_dt,@runDate as RunDate,f.f_id,f.amt f_amt,

    bf.actual_dt,bf.bf_id,bf.c_id as bfC_id,

    bfm.bfm_id,bfm.f_id as bfmF_id,bfm.amt bfm_amt,bfm.alloc_dt,

    case when bfm.amt is not null then datediff(day,bf.actual_dt,@runDate) else

    datediff(day,f.e_dt,@runDate) end as Days,

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY c.c_id ORDER BY alloc_dt DESC) N --Added a rownumber

    from #cc

    inner join #f f on c.c_id = f.c_id

    left join #bfm bfm on bfm.f_id = f.F_id

    left join #bf bf on bf.bf_id = bfm.bf_id

    where f.e_Dt <= @runDate


    select c_id



    from originalQuery

    where N = 1 and alloc_dt is not null


    select c_id



    from originalQuery

    group by c_id having max(alloc_dt) is null

    Unfortunately I can't test this at the moment.

    Edit: Fixed up an ambiguous column reference

    Also I can't see how you get the results you have specified in your previous post. With the data supplied I get:

    c_id alloc_dt Days

    ----------- ---------- -----------

    1 2013-03-01 102

    2 2013-01-20 142

    3 NULL 41

    Looking at the results of the original query, this appears to be as specified

    c_id p_id ... alloc_dt Days

    ----------- ---------- ---------- -----------

    1 A 2013-01-10 152

    1 A 2013-01-27 137

    [highlight]1 A 2013-03-01 102[/highlight]

    1 A NULL 130

    1 A NULL 102

    1 A NULL 71

    [highlight]2 B 2013-01-20 142[/highlight]

    2 B NULL 121

    2 B NULL 93

    [highlight]3 A NULL 41[/highlight]

    3 A NULL 10

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