• Would something like this get you started?

    create table #temp (

    Row_Ndb int,

    Account_Nbr int,

    Account_Name char(5),

    Account_Desc char(3),

    Begin_Date date,

    End_Date date


    insert into #temp values

    (1, 1, 'test1', 'chk', '1/1/2012', '3/1/2012'),

    (2, 1, 'test1', 'chk', '3/2/2012', '6/30/2012'),

    (3, 1, 'test' , 'chk', '8/2/2012', '12/31/2012')

    with cte



    select row_ndb

    , account_nbr

    , account_name

    , Account_desc

    , Begin_date

    , End_date

    , row_number() over (partition by Account_Nbr order by begin_date) rownum

    from #temp


    select *



    select cte1.*

    , case when datediff(d,cte2.End_date,cte1.begin_date) > 2 then datediff(d,cte2.End_date,cte1.begin_date) else 0 end as DaysMissing

    , case when datediff(d,cte2.End_date,cte1.begin_date) > 2 then dateadd(d,1,cte2.end_date) else null end as MissingBegin_Date

    , case when datediff(d,cte2.End_date,cte1.begin_date) > 2 then dateadd(d,-1,cte1.Begin_date) else null end as MissingEnd_Date

    from cte cte1

    left join cte cte2

    on cte1.account_nbr = cte2.account_nbr and cte1.rownum = cte2.rownum + 1

    ) source

    where source.DaysMissing > 0

    drop table #temp