• Thanks for having a look Wayne and for the nod. Also, congrats on recently becoming an MCM! That's an amazing accomplishment.

    I agree that using sys.sql_logins is a cleaner way to differentiate a Loginless User from a User linked to a Login but what I found when researching how to do this in my environment is that using the instance-level views only held up in the case when the User had not yet been orphaned. The scenario I tried to address in the article was to find Users that were presently orphaned meaning I needed a way to omit Loginless Users from the resultset.

    Consider this test case to see why I went after the SID:

    USE YourDatabaseName;


    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = 'monkey')



    CREATE USER monkey FROM LOGIN monkey;


    -- run the query you showed as "prior to SQL 2012, you can left join to sys.sql_logins" to see what types of users these are

    SELECT dp.name,



    CASE WHEN sl.name IS NULL AND dp.type = 'S' THEN 0

    WHEN dp.type = 'S' THEN 2

    WHEN dp.type LIKE '[UG]' THEN 3

    END AS authentication_type, -- ignoring contained database users

    CASE WHEN sl.name IS NULL AND dp.type = 'S' THEN 'NONE'

    WHEN dp.type = 'S' THEN 'INSTANCE'

    WHEN dp.type LIKE '[UG]' THEN 'WINDOWS'

    END AS authentication_type_desc

    FROM sys.database_principals dp

    LEFT JOIN sys.sql_logins sl ON dp.sid = sl.sid

    WHERE dp.name IN ('donkey', 'monkey');

    -- looks good, we can tell that monkey is a user with a Login and donkey

    -- is a Loginless User

    -- now let's orphan monkey

    DROP LOGIN monkey;

    -- run the same query again

    SELECT dp.name,



    CASE WHEN sl.name IS NULL AND dp.type = 'S' THEN 0

    WHEN dp.type = 'S' THEN 2

    WHEN dp.type LIKE '[UG]' THEN 3

    END AS authentication_type, -- ignoring contained database users

    CASE WHEN sl.name IS NULL AND dp.type = 'S' THEN 'NONE'

    WHEN dp.type = 'S' THEN 'INSTANCE'

    WHEN dp.type LIKE '[UG]' THEN 'WINDOWS'

    END AS authentication_type_desc

    FROM sys.database_principals dp

    LEFT JOIN sys.sql_logins sl ON dp.sid = sl.sid

    WHERE dp.name IN ('donkey', 'monkey');

    -- according to the query monkey and donkey both look to be orphaned however we know that

    -- donkey is a loginless user and monkey used to have a login but was recently orphaned

    DROP USER monkey;

    DROP USER donkey;


    What I found was that as soon as the User was orphaned, i.e. when the Login was dropped, the metadata changed to my disadvantage making it impossible to differentiate a Loginless User from a regular, now-orphaned User:

    This behavior is was what pushed me towards deriving the information based on the length of the SID.

    I do like that there is a cleaner experience in SQL 2012. Thank you for bringing these new columns to my attention. I must admit that at the current shop I work almost exclusively with 2008 R2 with only some 2005 and a couple 2012 instances coming online soon so the method is targeted at 2005 and 2008 R2. I tested the method in the article on SQL 2012 and it seemed to hold up but if and when I am in a shop with only SQL 2012 I would probably switch to leverage the new columns. Here is what I came up with, adapted from what you shared:

    -- SQL 2012

    SELECT dp.name,






    FROM sys.database_principals dp

    LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals sp ON dp.sid = sp.sid

    WHERE dp.authentication_type_desc = N'INSTANCE'

    AND sp.name IS NULL;

    I tested the above query on regular and partially contained databases and it seemed to work well, although I did not do anything that could be considered exhaustive. The thing that seems to make this method hold up is that after dropping the Login the value of authentication_type_desc remains equal to 'INSTANCE'.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.