• Eugene Elutin (5/8/2013)

    dwilliscp (5/8/2013)

    I have a join that is doing something that I can not explain.

    I have two tables.. linking on Delivery No and Item No..

    Temp table #Delivery has one record with Delivery No = 00835308 and the second table does not have that Delivery at all. But I get two records running...

    select *

    FROM #Delivery Left Outer JOIN

    details_2 ON cast(#Delivery.Delivery as int) = cast(details_2.Delivery_Doc as int) AND

    cast(#Delivery.Delivery_Item as int) = cast(details_2.Delivery_Item as int)

    Where cast(delivery as int) = 83535308

    Like gives only one record.. but when I run without the WHERE it never completes the INSERT.

    Using LEFT JOIN means that as long as record(s) with "cast(delivery as int) = 83535308" exists in #Delivery, these records will be selected regardless of anything existing or not existing in your "details_2" table.

    What do you mean by " I run without the WHERE it never completes the INSERT."?

    If you remove your WHERE clause, all records from #Delivery will be selected.

    If your "details_2" table contains more than one matching record for a single record in #Delivery, than you should expect the same row from #Delivery to be returned as many times as may matches found in "details_2"

    Since the first table had one record with a delivery of 00835308 and the second had none, I would have expected the SQL to return one record. What I got was two records that are the same.

    The code I have placed here.. shows the problem, but the WHERE was added to show why my query is failling with a PK failure.... and the Insert Into was removed.