• ChrisM@Work (5/7/2013)

    Which column of the VALUES clause of the INSERT statement is it?

    'V'+@retval + Replace( Str( @max-2 + @count, 7), ' ', '0') ?

    seems likely, but you have no column list to insert into.

    Yes I have not provided column list while inserting as I am inserting in all columns of a table...

    and i think error is coming becouse as per your script @retval is not initilazed and it is using in @max-2 value assign.

    SELECT @max-2 = ISNULL(vouchervalue,0) FROM gv_vouchervalue WHERE voucherabbreviation = 'V'+@retval

    Also can you please tell me that I assgin values to variables using SET but changed them to SELECT... Is there any difference between them?

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