Home Forums Data Warehousing Integration Services How to avoid technically the null values while concatenating columns RE: How to avoid technically the null values while concatenating columns

  • The problem usually shows up when you are trying to export to a text file, and the presence of any one NULL value throws the entire output record into NULL status, and depending on exactly how poorly the process was designed, it could be a problem such as missing records in the output file, or data showing up in the wrong location within the output data record because they account for everything except the empty string. The original poster has yet to come back with feedback beyond the apparent need to deal with 4 to 6 independent fields. Why that makes a difference is thus still unknown.

    Hey manibad - do you have a solution now, or do you need more assistance? Let us know...

    Phil Parkin (5/6/2013)

    OK, I see what you are getting at, thanks. I still cannot see why that causes a formatting problem when outputting though.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
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