• Kricky (5/6/2013)

    Many times we need to rely on records being next to each other to determine next Value ordered by a Date, let's say. So, if the identity column is called "Ref". We need to rely on Ref = Ref-1. It doesn't necessarily have to display in that order, but the Refs have to be in order based on the fields we determine. Here's a quick example of something we would do. The Clustered Index would be on Vendor, Item, and ChangeDate for this example.

    Update tmpCost

    set cur.NextCost = nxt.ListCost

    from tmpCost cur

    inner join tmpCost nxt

    on cur.Vendor = nxt.Vendor

    and cur.Item = nxt.Item

    and cur.Ref + 1 = nxt.Ref


    This code breaks down if you have ever inserted rows out of sequence of the clustered key, though. For example, if you insert 10 rows for Vendor A/Item 1/ChangeDate 1-10, 10 rows for Vendor A/Item 2/ChangeDate 1-10, 10 rows for Vendor B/Item 1/ChangeDate 1-10, then 10 more rows for Vendor A/Item 1/ChangeDate 11-20, Vendor A/Item 1 will have rows with Ref 1-10 and 31-40 (the value of an IDENTITY column is incremented each time a row is inserted and doesn't depend on the clustered key order). Your update statement will update the rows with Ref 1-9 and Ref 31-39, but not Ref 10 because there is no row that satisfies the join condition cur.Ref + 1 = nxt.Ref.

    Even with a clustered index, which imposes the logical order of the clustered key on the page chain holding the data for the table (pages in the page chain and rows on each page are ordered according to the clustered key), SQL Server can and will return rows in any order unless constrained by an ORDER BY clause. Writing DML that depends on row ordering to return the correct result without specifying an ORDER BY clause is a bad idea, period.

    Jason Wolfkill