• SELECT E.empnum, RTRIM(C.lname) + ', ' + RTRIM(C.fname) AS Name,

    RTRIM(SUBSTRING(C.dept,1,3)) AS Office,






    INNER JOIN ( -- subquery returnig beginning of the curent(?) month. This approach allows us to do the conversion and month calculations just once

    SELECT DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, CONVERT(DATETIME, '20121130', 112)), 0) MonthStart ) CM

    -- selecting the range of dates for calldate - the way allowing to use an index

    ON calldate >= DATEADD(mm, -1, MonthStart) AND calldate < MonthStart

    INNER JOIN EMP E ON C.empnum = E.empnum

    WHERE C.empnum = 6396 -- following Sean's sound advice

    AND (

    -- now the conditions look pretty straight forward. Please correct it if I made a mistake somewhere.

    -- it was not so easy to find the ends in the original version :-)

    (duration_in_decimal > .0055555 AND LEN(phonenum) IN (7,10,11))

    OR io = 'I'


    ORDER BY C.empnum;

    And one last comment.

    I'm pretty sure the table CALLS has a clustered index with 1st column "calldate". Right?

    Well, why am I asking? It just cannot be any other way.

    Silly me.:hehe:

    Code for TallyGenerator