• I am assuming that you are doing other things with these file and not just moving them?

    If not, the FEL is overkill (and potentially slow). Instead you could use Execute Process to issue a DOS MOVE command. Or use a Script Task to do the same in C#.[/quote]

    Thanks all for your kind replies,

    Yes i was doing some more things. first i have to move all the .txt and .csv files into a sepatrate folder and then move them to their destination folders basic on the file names for which i am creating variable basing on the file name. but the thing is in execute process task

    Execute process task 1 --- i am selecting all the .txt files and moving them

    Execute process task 2 --- i am selecting all the .csv files and moving them

    both these go into the same folder is there any way that i can use a single Task to do this