• I've found attaching an XML file as an attachment via sp_send_dbmail very troublesome.

    I did this with WhoIsActive which is probably a little more complicated than you need.


    Basically the way I figured it out was to create a stored procedure. Within the stored proc I run a select FOR xml path, but return it as NVARCHAR(max). Then I called this stored proc within the @query option of sp_send_dbmail.

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail


    @profile_name = '[Database Mail Profile]',

    @subject = 'Who Is Active',

    @body_format = 'TEXT',

    @query = 'SET NOCOUNT ON; SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; DECLARE @bodyXMLreturn nvarchar(max) EXEC dbo.sp_WhoIsActiveXMLout @bodyXMLreturn OUTPUT select @bodyXMLreturn',

    @execute_query_database = '[Database]',

    @attach_query_result_as_file = 1,

    @query_attachment_filename = 'WhoIsActive.xml',

    @query_result_header = 0,

    @query_result_width = 32767,

    @query_result_separator = '',

    @exclude_query_output = 0,

    @query_result_no_padding = 0,


