• This has been a huge pet peave of mine for a long time. Brilliant people who can't even talk to (or get along with) a fence post. Add to this a certain 'proprietary' behavior (reluctance to share info or tutor someone due to insecurity about their own job). Moreover, receiving frequent complaints from users about this person compounds the problem. This is a perfect formula for eventual termination.

    Forgot to mention that each person interviewed for a position here is required to take a so-called 'personality test' - usually one of the first steps in the process. If there's a red flag or they do poorly on this test, then that's it - they're no longer considered for a position.

    For a time I worked at a large car rental company. They had this policy (perhaps unwritten) of 'be professional and respect each other'. Essentially, you could be the most successful manager or employee in the company, but if you verbally abused other employees or treated them unfairly, and gained a reputation for that, you were terminated. I saw this happen in IT several times. I respected the company for doing its best to eliminate any semblance of a hostile work environment, and think of the employees first. On the other hand, I've worked for companies that didn't care how employees were treated.