Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Stored procedure Script to display and add two different currency columns using case for conversions RE: Stored procedure Script to display and add two different currency columns using case for conversions

  • The subquery (inner query) you added isn't correlated to the outer (main) query. Since all of the tables in the inner query are already referenced by the outer query, do you need the subquery at all?

    -- use meaningful table aliases

    -- use proper joins


    p.Product_Name as Item ,

    p.Description as Description ,

    c.Currency as Currency,

    p.stock_quantity as Quantity,

    e.unit_price as Unit_Cost,

    p.stock_quantity * e.unit_price as Total_Cost,

    p.stock_quantity *

    (case when c.id in (3,1) then e.unit_price Else e.unit_price * c.Rate End)

    FROM Product p

    INNER JOIN Section s

    ON p.section_ID = s.section_ID

    INNER JOIN Department d

    ON s.Department_ID = d.Department_ID

    INNER JOIN Entry_New e

    ON p.Product_ID = e.Product_ID

    INNER JOIN Currency c

    ON c.id = e.currency




    case when ci.id in (3,1) then ei.unit_price Else ei.unit_price * ci.Rate End As unit_price_rate

    from Currency ci,

    Entry_New ei,

    Product pin

    where ci.id = ei.currency

    and pin.Product_ID = ei.Product_ID

    ) xx


    WHERE p.stock_quantity > 0

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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