• thank you both Lynn and Sean - I appreciate your patience.

    below is a more detail - i wanted to try to keep it simple but apparently i over-simplified the first time!

    select reg.CUSTOMER_ID, jh.join_date,

    case when jh.join_date BETWEEN DATEADD(mi,-45,web.START_DATE_TIME) and web.END_DATE_TIME then 'Attended Webinar'

    else 'Did Not Attend Webinar' end as AttendedWebinar

    from Webinar.Registration reg

    INNER JOIN Webinar.Webinars web ON web.PRODUCT_CODE = reg.PRODUCT_CODE

    inner join dbo.CUSTOMER cus on cus.MASTER_CUSTOMER_ID = reg.CUSTOMER_ID

    left outer join Webinar.JoinHistory jh on jh.WEBINAR_HOST_REGISTRATION_ID = reg.WEBINAR_HOST_REGISTRATION_ID

    where reg.REGISTRATION_TYPE = 'LIVE'

    and reg.PRODUCT_CODE = @WebinarID

    and (@ReportType = case when jh.join_date BETWEEN DATEADD(mi,-45,web.START_DATE_TIME) and web.END_DATE_TIME then 'Attended Webinar' else 'Did Not Attend Webinar' end


    @ReportType = 'All Webinar Registrants')

    the problem i have is reflected in the below result set:


    0000000330644/17/2013 4:28:18 PMDid Not Attend

    0000000330644/18/2013 9:40:59 AMAttended

    The result i need is either Attended or Did Not Attend, and i realize my query is working correctly as written - it needs to be tweaked to allow for one or the other.


    "Drats! Foiled again!"