• -- Here's the sample data. I was able to get one Metadata line. I was hoping this would be easy to do using the XML functionality of SQL server. I was intending to put this in a stored procedure that returns XML. The stored procedure is consumed by an application that would write the XML to a file, etc... If this gets too complicated in T-SQL then the XML formatting could be moved off to the application.

    declare @Request table


    [RequestType] varchar(10)

    ,[CompanyName] varchar(50)

    ,[CompanyID] int

    ,[Country] varchar(2)

    ,[PostalCode] varchar(9)


    ,[Program] char(1)

    ,[Level] int

    ,[Promotion] varchar(10)


    insert into @Request values ('NEW', 'Main St. Bistro', 1234567890, 'US', '60602', 'A', 2, 'HAPPYMEAL');


    SET @ExportXML =








    --<Metadata name="PROGRAM" global="true">A</Metadata>

    ,'PROGRAM' 'Metadata/@name'

    ,'true' 'Metadata/@global'

    ,Program Metadata

    -- Need the Level and Promotion as additonal Metada rows like this...

    --<Metadata name="LEVEL" global="true">2</Metadata>

    --,'PROGRAM' 'Metadata/@name'

    --,'true' 'Metadata/@global'

    --,Level Metadata

    --<Metadata name=”PROMOTION”>HAPPYMEAL</Metadata>



    FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('Request')


    SELECT @ExportXML AS ExportXML

    --Trying to add additional Metadata rows results in

    --Msg 6852, Level 16, State 1, Line 18

    --Attribute-centric column 'Metadata/@name' must not come after a non-attribute-centric sibling in XML hierarchy in FOR XML PATH.