• Hogpen,

    Next time it would be helpful to present the data like this, then we could easily duplicate the data and write the queries:

    CREATE TABLE Accounting

    (ProdDate DateTime,

    AcctDate DateTime,

    MtrNo int,

    MtrSfx char(1),

    TrnxID int,

    RecCode char (2)


    insert into Accounting

    select '2/1/2011','8/1/2011','365','A','8301','RR' union all

    select '2/1/2011','2/1/2013','365','A','8301','RR' union all

    select '2/1/2011','2/1/2011','365','A','8301','OR' union all

    select '3/1/2011','9/1/2011','365','A','8302','RR' union all

    select '3/1/2011','3/1/2013','365','A','8302','RR' union all

    select '3/1/2011','3/1/2011','365','A','8302','OR'

    Here is the delete statement that I've come up with:

    DELETE Accounting

    FROM Accounting a,

    (SELECT MtrNo, MtrSfx, TrnxID, RecCode, MAX(AcctDate) AcctDate

    FROM Accounting

    WHERE RecCode = 'RR'

    GROUP BY MtrNo, MtrSfx, TrnxID, RecCode

    HAVING COUNT(TrnxID) > 1) b

    where a.MtrNo = b.MtrNo and a.MtrSfx = b.MtrSfx

    and a.TrnxID = b.TrnxID and a.RecCode = b.RecCode

    and a.AcctDate = b.AcctDate

    You need to group the data by all the primary key fields and then join that data on the original table and select. I find it is always helpful to write my code as a delete and just before I delete it, run it as a select to make sure I have the right code:

    select a.*

    FROM Accounting a,

    (SELECT MtrNo, MtrSfx, TrnxID, RecCode, MAX(AcctDate) AcctDate

    FROM Accounting

    WHERE RecCode = 'RR'

    GROUP BY MtrNo, MtrSfx, TrnxID, RecCode

    HAVING COUNT(TrnxID) > 1) b

    where a.MtrNo = b.MtrNo and a.MtrSfx = b.MtrSfx

    and a.TrnxID = b.TrnxID and a.RecCode = b.RecCode

    and a.AcctDate = b.AcctDate

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