• Chrissy321 (4/18/2013)

    Am I over complicating the string extraction? I want the text between the first and second occurrences of '.'

    DECLARE @paths TABLE(path varchar(50))

    INSERT INTO @paths

    SELECT '.ab.qwer.poi' UNION

    SELECT '.1.qwerty.ab' UNION

    SELECT '.1234567890.asd.a'

    See if it will work for you:


    path, REVERSE(PARSENAME(REVERSE(path) + ' ', 2)), PARSENAME(path, 3)

    -- " + ' '" is added to avoid "NULL" object names when there is nothing in front of the 1st dot.

    FROM @paths

    Both options in my query return the same values from your sample data.

    Check which of them better fits the logic using to build the strings in the table.

    Code for TallyGenerator