• I think that those candidates of value will pick up this information and run with it and those trying to be devious will locate it anyway e.g. by pretending to be an interviewer looking to ask up to date questions and asking for peer advice. (And, no. I have never done this :crazy:)

    The information is just a metaphorical piece of rope really; a good candidate will show that they can take that rope and apply it usefully (perhaps ineptly but honestly and better than not) whilst the devious poor candidate will lack the understanding they claim to have and highlight their own failings and hang themselves.

    Either way it is for the actual interviewer to recognise the candidate for the value they bring. Including potential (good and bad). I don't think we should hinder the development of those with potential nor should we push the bad practices underground.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!