• If you're using SQL Server 2012, you can do this

    ;with Data(ClassID, MemberID, Weight) as


    select 'A', 1, 10 union all

    select 'A', 2, 20 union all

    select 'A', 3, 40 union all

    select 'A', 5, 25 union all

    select 'A', 6, 15 union all

    select 'A', 8, 10 union all

    select 'B', 1, 50 union all

    select 'B', 2, 10 union all

    select 'B', 3, 60 union all

    select 'B', 6, 400


    CTE AS (

    SELECT ClassID,MemberID,Weight,

    SUM(Weight) OVER(PARTITION BY ClassID ORDER BY Weight) AS RunningTotalWeight,

    SUM(Weight) OVER(PARTITION BY ClassID) AS TotalWeight

    FROM Data)

    SELECT ClassID,MemberID,Weight


    WHERE RunningTotalWeight <= TotalWeight/4

    ORDER BY ClassID,MemberID;


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