• What data type did you define the column you are refering to ?

    /* Example using DateTime data type */

    Select DATEADD(HH, datediff(HH, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0) FromHH

    , DATEADD(HH, datediff(HH, 0, getdate()), 0) ToHH

    , DateTimeLastRun

    from yourschema.YourTableOrView

    where DateTimeLastRun>= DATEADD(HH, datediff(HH, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0)

    and DateTimeLastRun< DATEADD(HH, datediff(HH, 0, getdate()), 0)

    order by DateTimeLastRun ;

    /* Example using Time data type */

    Create table #ssc ( idnr int identity(1,1) not null primary key, Dt date not null default getdate() , Tm time not null default getdate() ) ;


    insert into #ssc default values

    go 50

    select *

    from #ssc

    where Tm >= '09:36:18'

    and Tm < '09:36:25'

    order by Dt

    , Tm ;

    select *

    from #ssc

    where Tm >= '9:36 AM'

    and Tm < '9:37 AM'

    order by Dt

    , Tm ;


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