• Like most everyone else who has posted, I've been in about as many environments as possible. I prefer an open concept myself. I have found that I hate having my own office - I feel shut out from the world when I am in one, even if the door is open. The only plus for an office is if I wish to be undisturbed, but I'm not in that mode often enough to counter the loneliness factor.

    But I agree with the noise cancelling/softening needs as voiced by another poster. The office I am in originally was a car dealership and manufacturing building, one of those "historic" sites. Looks really cool, but before putting in noise dampening tiles on the ceiling, the echo of noise was unbearable. The width and length of the building is approximately half a city block by half a city block. Before the fixes one could sneeze loudly in one end of the building, and on the other end you could swear they were right next to you when the sneeze occurred.