• J Livingston SQL (4/10/2013)

    maybe something along these lines....??

    declare @dt1 datetime

    declare @dt2 datetime

    set @dt1 = '2012-09-01'

    set @dt2 = '2012-10-01'

    ;WITH cte AS




    --V1.voucherno AS VNO,

    SUM(case when v.dt < @dt1 AND v.vouchertype = 'PURCHASE' then V1.quantity else 0 end) - SUM(case when v.dt < @dt1 AND v.vouchertype = 'SALES' then V1.quantity else 0 end) AS OPENING,

    SUM(case when v.dt >= @dt1 AND v.dt < @dt2 AND v.vouchertype = 'PURCHASE' then V1.quantity else null end) AS INCOMING,

    SUM(case when v.dt >= @dt1 AND v.dt < @dt2 AND v.vouchertype = 'SALES' then V1.quantity else null end) AS OUTGOING,

    SUM(case when v.dt < @dt2 AND v.vouchertype = 'PURCHASE' then V1.quantity else 0 end) - SUM(case when v.dt < @dt2 AND v.vouchertype = 'SALES' then V1.quantity else 0 end) AS CLOSING

    FROM voucher1 AS V1 INNER JOIN

    voucher AS V ON V.vouchertype = V1.vouchertype

    AND V.voucherprefix = V1.voucherprefix

    AND V.voucherno = V1.voucherno

    AND V.invoicetype = V1.invoicetype

    GROUP BY V1.item



    SELECT items.srno, items.itemname, CTE.*


    CTE ON items.srno = CTE.item

    This worked great and made my day.

    Thank you, I was unaware of this WITH CTE. Can you suggest me from where can i know everything about TSQL and MSSQL?