• Hi,

    There is a default trace available You can use the sys.traces table to see the max file size and no of file allowed before recycling of error logs using the below query

    select * from sys.traces

    max_size colum is Maximum trace file size limit in megabytes (MB). And max_files colum specifies the maximum number of rollover files in case the trace is a rollover.

    If you want to find the location where your error logs are stored , you can use the below query and make modifications accordingly to find the type of event you are looking into :

    --list current file path, events and columns of the default trace

    SELECT t.id AS TraceId ,

    path AS TraceFilePath ,

    tcat.name AS EventCategory ,

    tevent.name AS EventClassName ,

    tcolumn.name AS ColumnName

    FROM sys.traces AS t


    JOIN sys.trace_events AS tevent ON tdef.eventid = tevent.trace_event_id

    JOIN sys.trace_categories AS tcat ON tcat.category_id = tevent.category_id

    JOIN sys.trace_columns AS tcolumn ON tcolumn.trace_column_id = tdef.columnid

    WHERE t.is_default = 1 --default trace

    AND t.status= 1 --running

    --AND tevent.name like 'Object:Deleted' -- Use this filter to filter out specific incidents

    ORDER BY TraceFilePath ,

    EventCategory ,

    EventClassName ,

    ColumnName ;

    Hope this helps you..!!