Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) i need the max length value of every column in every table in a database RE: i need the max length value of every column in every table in a database

  • I’m converting a client’s db to our internal structure. In doing so I need to bring their files down. Import them into sql then convert them to my internal structure. There are about 200 files ranging in all sizes. the first time I bring in all the files I usually set the cols to a data type that will give the lease amount of error. In some cases I make em all varchar(max) just to get the file loaded. I then go through and create the schema based on the data types the client sends. However in this instance it is not only outdated however but on a PDF and not from a sql server database so the types are all different.

    Nonetheless, I get the data loaded into the dummy table w/ varchar(max) cols. then I go back and manually create the table based on the clients schema spec. Then I try and insert the dummie table into the newly create table. When I do so I find I get a lot of truncation errors. Some of these tables have 50+ columns so it's impossible to see where the truncation is occurring. Hence the below sql I generated shortly after I posted this. Rather than doing it for every table I simply made it to run for a single table. it has paid off and now I can get through all my truncation issues when they occur relatively quickly. When i have mor etime i''ll play w doing what i originally planned

    DECLARE @outtersql VARCHAR(max)

    SET @outtersql=''

    DECLARE @innersql VARCHAR(max)

    SET @innersql=''

    DECLARE @tablename VARCHAR(1000)

    SET @tablename = 'put_Table_name_here'

    DECLARE @colname VARCHAR(1000)

    SET @colname = ''

    DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(max)

    SET @sql=''

    SELECT st.name tablename

    ,sc.name colname

    ,0 processed

    INTO #temp

    FROM sys.tables st

    JOIN sys.columns sc

    ON sc.object_id = st.object_id

    WHERE st.name LIKE @tablename

    ORDER BY st.name



    FROM #temp

    WHERE processed = 0)


    SET @sql= ''

    SET @innersql = ''

    SET @outtersql = ''

    SELECT TOP 1 @tablename = tablename

    FROM #temp

    WHERE processed = 0

    SET @outtersql = ' select ''' + @tablename + ''' tableName, '

    SET @innersql = ' from ( SELECT '


    FROM #temp

    WHERE processed = 0

    AND tablename = @tablename)


    SELECT TOP 1 @colname = colname

    FROM #temp

    WHERE processed = 0

    AND tablename = @tablename

    SET @outtersql = @outtersql + ' max([' + @colname + ']) '

    + '[MaxLength_' + @colname + '], '

    SET @innersql = @innersql + ' len([' + @colname + ']) ' + '['

    + @colname + '], '

    UPDATE #temp

    SET processed = 1

    WHERE processed = 0

    AND tablename = @tablename

    AND @colname = colname


    SET @innersql = @innersql + 'from ' + @tablename

    + '(nolock) ) tt'

    SET @innersql = Replace(@innersql, ', from', ' from ')

    SET @outtersql = Reverse(Substring(Reverse(@outtersql), 2, 100000))

    SET @sql= @outtersql + @innersql

    SET @sql = Replace(@sql, ', from ', ' from ')

    execute( @sql)

    UPDATE #temp

    SET processed = 1

    WHERE processed = 0

    AND @tablename = tablename


    UPDATE #temp

    SET processed = 0

    DROP TABLE #temp