• Back to helping the original user and to discuss your critque of the vernacular. . .

    declare @row int

    declare @count int

    declare @previd int

    declare @id int

    Create table #killRow


    row int


    select Row_Number() OVER(ORDER BY mytableID) as row, * INTO #mytemptable FROM MyTable...

    select count(*) from #mytemptable

    set @row = 1

    set @previd = 0

    while @row <= @count


    ... do stuff here with items from #mytemptable where row = @row

    select @id from #mytemptable where row = @row

    if (@id == @previd)


    insert into #killRow (row) values(@row)


    select @previd = id from #mytemptable where row = @row

    set @row = @row + 1


    delete from #mytemptable where row in ( select row from #killRow)

    select * into mycleanedtable from #mytemptable


    select * into mycleanedtable from #mytemptable where row not in ( select row from #killRow )

    My vernacular for looping is adequate to express the series of iterating over these rows. You can call it set based all you like, but the vernacular used to describe

    the process is more than adequate.