• rs80 (4/1/2013)

    The value of the variable ExceptionReportPath is C:\Reports\ and the expression is set to C:\Temp\. So during runtime I'd like the excel file to get produced in C:\Temp with a datetime stamp. However, after running the package the data from the oledbsource loads the data into C:\Reports\ExceptionReport.xls.

    Can the value of @ExceptionReportPath be set to C:\Temp\ ? It's not clear why it needs to have the value of C:\Reports\ if you're wanting to change it to C:\Temp\ at runtime. Not sure if that would make a difference with the issue at hand, though, because if there was an issue with how you defined C:\Temp\ in the expression, I'd expect so see some kind of syntax error.

    You might double check that you've set both variables' 'Evaluate as Expression' property to True. I really doubt that's the issue but sometimes a really puzzling problem ends up being something small like that.

    In the end, you may be best to go with Phil's suggestion.