Display Month and day of week in Expression?

  • Can I use an expression that has..

    =Format(Fields!START_DATETIME.Value, "dd") + weekDAY NAME

    example 3/28/2013 = '28 - Thr'


  • so I got it workiung with

    =Format(Fields!START_DATETIME.Value, "dd") +" " + WeekDayName ( WeekDay( Fields!START_DATETIME.Value ) )

    but can i GET Fri instead of Friday?

    and or on 2 lines like 1


  • You can use below expression:

    ="Today is: "& today &" Output: "& day(today)&" - "& WeekDayName(DatePart(DateInterval.Weekday,today),True,FirstDayOfWeek.System)

    And output will look like this

    Today is: 3/29/2013 Output: 29 - Fri

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