• This is how you can transform Mickey's query into a Dynamic Cross tab:

    Declare @sql Varchar(MAX)

    -- Set up some test data

    Create table product(ProductId Int, ProductName Varchar(30),CategoryID Int)

    Create table category(CategoryID Int, CategoryName Varchar(30))

    Create table productprices(ProductID Int, ProductQuantity Int, ProductCost Float)

    Insert Into product

    Select1, 'Beer', 1

    Union ALL

    Select 2, 'Wine', 1

    Union ALL

    Select 3, 'Bourbon', 1

    Union ALL

    Select 4, 'Crisps', 2

    Union ALL

    Select 5, 'Nuts', 2

    Insert Into category


    Union ALL

    Select 2,'Snacks'

    Insert Into productprices


    Union ALL

    Select 1,12,20.00

    Union ALL

    Select 1,24,36.00

    Union ALL

    Select 2,1,12.00

    Union ALL

    Select 2,6,60.00

    Union ALL

    Select 3,1,45.00

    Union ALL

    Select 4,10,12.00

    Union ALL

    Select 5,5,10.00

    Union ALL

    Select 5,10,16.00

    -- Create query to dynamically pivot data

    Select @sql = 'SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName, c.CategoryID, c.CategoryName, '

    Select @sql = @sql + STUFF((Select DISTINCT ',MAX(CASE WHEN pp.Seq = ' + Cast(pp.Seq As Varchar) + ' THEN pp.ProductQuantity ELSE null END) As ProductQuantity' + Cast(pp.Seq As Varchar)

    FROM (

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY ProductQuantity) Seq, ProductID, ProductQuantity, ProductCost

    FROM productprices

    ) pp FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ', '

    Select @sql = @sql + STUFF((Select DISTINCT ',MAX(CASE WHEN pp.Seq = ' + Cast(pp.Seq As Varchar) + ' THEN pp.ProductCost ELSE null END) As ProductCost' + Cast(pp.Seq As Varchar)

    FROM (

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY ProductQuantity) Seq, ProductID, ProductQuantity, ProductCost

    FROM productprices

    ) pp FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

    Select @sql = @sql + ' FROM product p

    INNER JOIN category c ON p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID


    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY ProductQuantity) Seq, ProductID, ProductQuantity, ProductCost

    FROM productprices

    ) pp ON p.ProductId = pp.ProductID

    GROUP BY p.ProductID, p.ProductName, c.CategoryID, c.CategoryName '


    Hope this helps.

    Vinu Vijayan

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