• The VB/VBA language has a strict syntax. You cannot just type whatever you want an expect that the interpreter/compiler will go with it.

    1. cbox AS TaskSelection.TaskSelect

    To declare and instanciate a variable on a control of type ComboBox, you use:

    Dim cbox As ComboBox

    Set cbox = <ComboBox Name>

    I can't imagine what TaskSelection.TaskSelect is supposed to be in this case.

    2. A Select Case block is built as follows:

    Select Case <Some variable>

    Case <Value 1>

    'Code to be executed when <Some variable> = <Value 1>

    Case <Value 2>

    'Code to be executed when <Some variable> = <Value 2>

    Case ...

    End Select

    3. The VB/VBA interpreter cannot directly perform any SQL expression. You must build (assemble) the SQL expression in a String variable then pass this variable to "something" that can execute the query contained in the string expression in the variable. In MS Access, "something" can be a Form (with it's RecordSource property), a ComboBox or a ListBox control (with it's RowSource property), the CurrentDb object (through it's Execute method - this only works with action queries). You can also declare and instanciate a "data aware" object from a library (DAO, ADO, ...) such as a Database, QueryDef or RecordSet object (DAO), a Command or a RecordSet object (ADO).

    You don't explain what you want to do with the query. In MS Access, a query is often used to open a RecordSet or to be used as the RecordSource property of a Form (or as the RowSource property of a ListBox/ComboBox, which is almost the same).

    Here is a rewritten version of your code where the following assumptions were made:

    - The code is in the Class Module of a Form.

    - This Form has a ComboBox named ComboTaskSelect among its controls.

    - The Bound Column of the ComboBox contains string data such as "Names", "Locations", etc.

    - The SQL string will be used later on for a purpose that remains to be defined (see above).

    Private Sub ComboTaskSelect_AfterUpdate()

    Dim cbox As ComboBox

    Dim strSQL As String

    Set cbox = Me.ComboTaskSelect

    Select Case cbox.Value

    Case "Names"

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Names"

    Case "Locations"

    strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Locations"

    End Select

    End Sub

    Have a nice day!