• Hi Jason-299789,

    Sorry for the late reply. I had to do another project in between and this had to wait.

    But, thank you very much for your answer.

    It works the way I want it with your query adjusted in this way:

    WITH UserList_CTE


    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY AU.Useraccount_ID ORDER BY US.Useraccount_Status_DateTime) Rn

    , US.Useraccount_Status_DateTime

    , US.Useraccount_Status_Type_ID

    , AU.Useraccount_ID

    FROM Application_Useraccounts_Status AS US

    INNER JOIN Application_Useraccounts AS AU

    ON US.Useraccount_ID = AU.Useraccount_ID

    INNER JOIN Application_Useraccounts_Status_Types AS ST

    ON US.Useraccount_Status_Type_ID = ST.Useraccount_Status_Type_ID

    WHERE (US.Useraccount_Status_DateTime BETWEEN @beginDatum AND @eindDatum)




    , AU.Useraccount_Last_Name

    , currul.Useraccount_Status_Type_ID

    , currul.Useraccount_Status_DateTime

    , Convert(time, futureul.Useraccount_Status_DateTime-currul.Useraccount_Status_DateTime) Tijdsduur


    Application_Useraccounts AU

    INNER JOIN UserList_CTE currul

    ON AU.Useraccount_ID=currul.Useraccount_ID

    LEFT JOIN UserList_CTE futureul

    on currul.Useraccount_ID=futureul.Useraccount_ID

    AND currul.Rn+1=futureul.rn

    Calculating the totals I will have to do in C# code (requirement of my boss).

    Now I can continue with this project.

