• Measure Up provides the sample questions that come with the exam Training Kit series of books. These 150 to 200 sample questions are a good complement to the book content.

    Like the books, they are written without their seeing the exam. Like the books, they would benefit from a good technical edit. The error rate is between 3% and 5%. I hope the actual exams are better, but there is no way to know.

    I think your best bet to pass an exam is a combination of

    - 1+ year experience in the exam area

    - careful study of something like the relevant Training Kit guide from Microsoft Press

    - careful practice with sample exam questions. None of them will be on the actual exam, but the questions are a different perspective on the same topic.

    The exam is not a measure of intelligence, but rather knowledge. The cram approach does not work well because the topic area is too large.

    This is based on my experience with 70-461, 70-462, and 70-463.