• if you just want to concatenate the values from a given table you can try this :

    CREATE TABLE #temp


    id INT,

    value NVARCHAR(255)


    INSERT INTO #temp (id,value) SELECT 1, '19'

    INSERT INTO #temp (id,value) SELECT 2, '90'

    INSERT INTO #temp (id,value) SELECT 3, '20'

    INSERT INTO #temp (id,value) SELECT 4, '8'

    INSERT INTO #temp (id,value) SELECT 5, '9'

    with cte

    as (select id, value from #temp where id =1

    union all

    select t.id, convert (nvarchar(255),c.value+'+'+t.value)

    from #temp t inner join ctec on c.id= (t.id-1))

    select * from cte

    if you want the sums returned. you must only change the data type of the value column and remove the +'+'+

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