• Well, to be blunt: You're doing it wrong!

    If you want to be able to rebuild your server from scratch, you need a backup of this server's master database, not one from a different server.

    The exact contents of master is unique per instance and yes, it contains information (including file paths) on all other databases on your instance. Hence, if your instance is somehow screwed up, but the file system is still intact, you can often get away with restoring only master and your SQL Server will automatically sort out everything else on first startup.

    Kind regards,

    Vegard Hagen
    Norwegian DBA, occasional blogger and generally a nice guy who believes the world is big enough for all of us.
    @vegard_hagen on Twitter
    Blog: Vegards corner (No actual SQL stuff here - havent found my niche yet. Maybe some day...)

    It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. (Chinese proverb)